Road Freight Transport Services

(i) In case of exports by barges/country craft/road transport, the EDF form should be presented by an exporter or his agent at the Customs station at the border through which the vessel or vehicle has to pass before crossing over to the foreign territory. For this purpose, an exporter may arrange either to give the form to the person in charge of the vessel or vehicle or forward it to his agent at the border for submission to Customs.
(ii) As regards exports by rail, Customs staff has been posted at certain designated railway stations for attending to Customs formalities. They will collect the EDF for goods loaded at these stations so that the goods may move straight on to the foreign country without further formalities at the border. The list of designated railway stations can be obtained from the Railways. For goods loaded at stations other than the designated stations, exporters must arrange to present EDF to the Customs Officer at the Border Land Customs Station where Customs formalities are completed.”