We have warehouse facilities at various strategic locations to augment our Logistics services. PMPL provides tailor-made warehousing services that aid clients to reduce operating costs, improve inventory management, and speeding order cycle times. We take special precautions in the safe handling of goods throughout the service chains. Although the customs authorities may offer a private player a licence to operate a custom bonded warehouse, most bonded warehouses. Please fill the application form to get the license for a Private Bonded Warehouse and permission
What is private bonded warehouse rules regulations?
A Private Bonded Warehouse is any secure building or place appointed by the Comptroller of Customs by notification to be a private warehouse for the storing and securing of goods without the payment of duties and taxes. Person who has been granted a license for the establishment of a private bonded warehouse in terms of. Private Warehouse Licensing, bonded warehouse facility which delivers Customs Bonded warehousing services. Bonded Warehouse and Storage are addition to our approach.

What are the types of bonded warehouse?
There are two basic categories of bonded warehouse: those that are state-owned and operated, and those that are privately owned.
Application Private and Public Bonded Warehouses Requirements
- Temporary Storage Areas
- Public Bonded Warehouses
- Private Bonded Warehouses Type 1
- Private Bonded Warehouses Type 2
- Free Warehouses
- Bonded Logistics Parks
Noteļ¼When the raw materials or capital goods are imported, the import duty on them is deferred. If these imported inputs are utilised for exports, the deferred duty is exempted. Only when the finished goods are cleared to the domestic market, import duty is to be paid on the imported raw materials used in the production. Import duty on capital goods is to be paid if and when the capital goods are cleared to the domestic market. Custom bonded warehouses are ideal for storing goods until all import and excise duties and custom formalities are closed.
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